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Guarding our HEARTS

Updated: Feb 6, 2023

As we see the days ahead getting darker and darker, how are we doing? Are we guarding our hearts? Are we putting on OUR FULL armor of God? What are we watching? What are we reading? How will we withstand the evil that's prevailing all around us? How can we keep it from overcoming US and stand firm in our FAITH? We are all called to be OVERCOMERS, but rarely are we found OVERCOMING the WORLD. Instead, I feel the 9 times out of 10 as believers, we succumb to THE WAYS of THE WORLD. Instead of being transformed in the renewing of our MIND *hearts*, we are being conformed to the ways of the WORLD. Where is that getting us? Are we blending in, or standing out? Are we part of the kingdom of men, or the Kingdom of God? Will be be entering the Kingdom of Heaven, or be left behind on the earth .. in the kingdom of darkness? Have we truly sought The Father while HE COULD be found? Isaiah 55:6. What happens if we DON'T seek Him while He can be found? Where will He be when we wait until it's 'too late?' 6) While he may be found . . .—The appeal shows that the promised blessings are not unconditional. There may come a time (as in Matthew 25:11) when “too late will be written on all efforts to gain the inheritance which has been forfeited by neglect (2Corinthians 6:2). (cited from How can we FOCUS on God with so many earthly distractions? I watch a lot of encouraging videos with THE WORD of God playing. GRACE FOR PURPOSE is an incredible tool to motivate you into Seeking HIM 1st. Start your morning with THE WORD.... then the rest of the day the stage is set. Remember HIM at lunch, REMEMBER HIS goodnes in the PAST , reflect on HIS mercies, GRACE, and abundance of JOY He's given you in the past.... because YOU can see HIM everywhere if you just LOOK. Mediate on HIS WORD. HIS TRUTH.

My prayer today is that we can all set our HEARTS on HIM today. TOMORROW, and the days that follow after... Matthew 6:33. I pray that we SEEK HIM with EVERYTHING within US! Asking HIM to remove any barriers or hinderances that are causing us to not be able to properly seek HIS FACE. Forgive those who we need to forgive, and forgive OURSELVES for neglecting our relationship with HIM. Praying without ceasing TODAY like we've never prayed before. Thank you Father for LOVING us and sending your SON to this earth to set the example for us in a corrupt and fallen world, and generation. Thank you for allowing Judas to betray you, and make a WAY for US to BOLDY come before your throne. We thank you for the shed blood on the cross that covers us IN YOUR HOLY RIGHTEOUSNESS, by YOUR PERFECT GRACE that is SUFFICIENT to do so, in ALL OUR WAYS HELP us to acknowledge YOU and knowing YOU WILL MAKE OUR PATHS STRAIGHT. WE cannot do this alone. We NEED you Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit come rest upon each one of us today and help us remember WHO YOU SAY we ARE IN YOU! Thank you Father God, In Jesus' Name we pray. AMEN! I love you guys. I was led to read in 1 John Chapter 3 today. Please read that chapter. Pray and mediate on it. Surrender to God, SUBMIT to HIM and the ENEMY HAS TO FLEE from YOU!;+proverbs+8:17;+jeremiah+29:13;+matthew+7:7;+luke+11:9;+acts+17:24-28m click this link for more tools on seeking HIM with ALL YOUR HEART!

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