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My Relapse & Recovery Journey

Updated: Sep 28, 2018

As I was in my kitchen I began reflecting on my husband's recent car accident. It began to bring to light the events that followed my car accident in December of 2013. I spoke briefly about recovery today and what it means to me. I wanted to go back a little bit and discuss my relapse that followed that car accident. Honestly, until just now I always accepted full blame for my relapse. However, it's not always just the "craving to get high" that induces a person's relapse and that is something I've been learning on this journey through my recovery. You can't do something if you don't have the proper education to do so. You have to be aware of the signs to be able to prevent a relapse into your active addiction. Now this is the part that gets tricky so for example my car accident induced a lot of injuries and aggravated a lot of previous injuries. So had I been in active recovery , I would have been able to notate that this and see the potential there that could possibly lead me into a relapse. The fact that these injuries were effecting me as I was working full-time in a restaurant && the fact that there was pain medications being made available was the environment set up before my relapse. The enemy knows our weaknesses and uses them against us. It was my choice after fighting it without proper tools that led to an active addiction relapse. These are all things that I'm trying to educate not only myself on but other people looking from the outside-in on a person struggling with ANY kind of addiction. It also coincides with our spiritual walk as well. We were all once sinners, and in order to maintain our walk of Faith through a relationship with Jesus we can't just put it into practice one or two times a week neglecting our relationship with Him puts us at risk for a spiritual relapse into the old way of thinking falling victim to the enemy's attacks on our minds.

Prevention is something that I was never made aware of because of the stigmas surrounding substance-abuse. Yes I've always had my relationship with God and that kept me on the straight path for 5 years after my prison sentence,  but because I wasn't actively renewing my mind in the word of God- and because I had absolutely no form of a recovery plan- I failed plain and simple. I will attach a video I am working on about this today. You can find more on my YouTube Channel. <3 Much love see ya soon! Feel free to message me ANYTIME you are struggling and I will do my best to help guide you in the right direction. 
Below is a site for the Pensacola areas opiate dependent treatment center. If you or anyone you know is addicted or dependent upon opiates and wants or needs help, please send them here! It has absolutely SAVED my life! <3 The Director,Nurses, Dr.s and all the counselors genuinely CARE about their patients! I have personally been a patient for over 3 years. They are full of compassion and desire to HELP anyone ready for help. 

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