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Preparation for The Kingdom [Part 4] Conclusion

This is the puzzle that set us off on our journey. We had been given a lot of information and had walked through a process with The Holy Spirit up to this moment in time. On October 20, 2020 we set off to Winchester, Tennessee. We were given an assignment. We had NO idea what God was really doing. We just packed for a couple of days. We ended up staying until November. During this time God was leading us OUT from the world and we didn't even comprehend it. It wasn't difficult, it was beautiful and powerful. When we returned to Pensacola in November we packed up all of belongings into our vehicle and headed back to Tennessee. God provided work for us and a place to stay while we were there. We had no clue the significant meaning of the location we were in. Winchester means "exile." Dinah Shore drive was the road we were on, and "Dinah" means judged and vindicated. Dinah is a biblical name. Every single address we've been in since 8070 Stonebrook Drive was prophetic. "8" means testimony of a NEW MAN & "7" means completion. That's exactly what happened while we were there. God had us clean out our bedroom closet and set up an altar, almost like a tent or tabernacle like Moses had been instructed to do. I didn't really realize why for months during 2020 I had been cleaning out our entire house and felt like I was "nesting." I soon was going to find out

These are photos of our prayer closet. God preformed miracles in this room. My husband and I had been feeling it was time to renew our vows. We had even looked at venues and almost paid for one in January of 2020. It would have been for Easter weekend. Thankfully we didn't, because GOD had some other plans. On October 11, 2020 during Shemini Atzeret see this link to learn more

We had a HOLY vow renewal and New Covenant Ceremony with Our Heavenly Father. It was quaint, and private and sacred. We had cranberry apple juice... somehow it fermented in the closet in a matter of minutes. That we fully believe was God's doing... nothing we did. We knew in that moment He had sealed us into that covenant with Him. Then the 20th is when we left for Winchester, Tennessee with NO idea what was coming next. Upon our return to take care of some business in Florida I saw a sign, on the side of the road a HUGE sign that said "EXODUS!" It was a church on Detroit Blvd. I never saw it before and rarely went on that road. there's the link for the location. I'm not making any of this up! God is THAT good. So, we knew it was time to make our EXODUS out of Pensacola for good.

So there we were packed up to the hilt with everything we COULD fit into our little Rav-4. Justin felt led to give away his Nissan Xterra to a single mom with 3 kids. We literally walked away from all OUR "STUFF,"because we recognized it was NEVER ours to begin with. Everything and we mean EVERYTHING God BLESSED us with during our marriage was always from HIM! IT was an HONOR to give it all BACK to HIM and take hold of our TRUE LIVES found ONLY in HIM! And what a journey it has been! He's taken us up through the mountains and surrounded us with His presence and through His Word we have found so much LOVE, JOY, PEACE, and PATIENCE and all of the FRUiTS of the SPIRIT. It was all sparked when Hurricane Sally came through. It really had begun in January 2020 when we saw all the churches, including our own shutting down. Everyone gave into FEAR instead of building up FAITH and standing FIRM on the foundation of GODS Holy WORD! 2 Timothy 1:7 SAYS; GOD HAS NOT GIVEN US A SPIRIT OF FEAR, BUT OF LOVE, POWER AND A SOUND MIND!" All of 2020 God was crying out to HIS CHILDREN to COME BACK TO HIS WORD. Satan used it to scare all of you into submission. It's the saddest thing I've ever seen. Natural affection is being STOLEN, yet no one's DOING anything about it. I pray anyone who reads this can OPEN their eyes before it's TOO LATE. Who did you TRUST in 2020? WHO will you TRUST in 2021? What will YOU be willing to SACRIFICE to get out of the distractions of THE WORLD and FIND JESUS in HIS WORD!? What will IT TAKE!?

What "STUFF" are you WILLING to give up to find your life in HIM? It isn't something I can decide for you, YOU have to walk through your OWN wilderness season with God through HIS Holy SPIRIT to understand what YOU are being ASKED to do in OBEDIENCE to HIM for HIS WILL for YOUR LIFE. It is personal. EVERY one has the same opportunity to turn to Him and get direction for their lives. We pray you seek HIM first. Matthew 6:33

We didn't love our lives so much... even unto "death." Death of our flesh, death of our own selfish desires and expectations. It's never felt SO GOOD to LET GO!

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