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Preparation for The Kingdom [Part 3]

After Kensie's 5th birthday, it all truly began to turn into something beautiful. God was doing a work in myself and my husband. I wasn't all that aware of it at the time, but as pure Father God's fashion, He is RIGHT on time with everything and in hindsight I see Him in EVERYTHING. The pain, the tears, the TRIUMPHS! We started finally sleeping in the same bed together, and then in March of 2020 God really turned our hearts towards Himself. We both started reading the Word of God TOGETHER. Justin fully recommitted to God. I had been taking part of Freedom Conferences since I completed mine in December of 2018. God walked us through such an incredible season. When I was active in ministry at Liberty Milton Campus, God put on my heart to be on prayer team. I also started going into training to become a Prayer Counselor with Jan Hicks' ministry CUMI. I ended up getting involved serving on Prayer Team at church and that took up most my time and fulfilled that call on my life to PRAY. I had NEVER really prayed intentionally before. God took me though that season with my brothers and sisters in Christ to grow me up in Him.

December 2018

RAiSED TO LiFE! For the third and FiNAL time in my life I chose to recommit and make it STICK! After my June 2018 repentance and resurrection of my FAiTH and SPiRiTAL walk with The Father- this baptism was powerful. I had gone through 6 months of trans-formative revival in my heart at my home. God had given me a prayer language that was NEW and fresh. I had received the gift of tongues, I THOUGHT, when I was 10 at summer camp. But, this time it was different. He just HIT me with it out of the blue. I wasn't forcing it, thinking about it or anything. It bubbled up from deep within. This was the mark of a brand new season with God and my husband was watching! He has said that he was jealous of what God was doing for me during that time. He just wasn't ready to DIE to his flesh-YET. But, I was anointing his side of the bed with oil and praying diligently for him. There is POWER in PRAYER!

The two conferences I was honored to serve in were in May of 2019 & November of 2019. Because of covid, no more conferences have been held since November. This is me and my sister in Christ Ami. She was my Leader for the small group I attended for Freedom Conference. She and I had similar pasts and it blessed me so much to have her by my side.

She was very encouraging through everything. I am proud to say I got to grow alongside her during that season. I learned so much. Every time I went to these conferences I'd leave Kensie at home with Justin. It was always incredible to watch God move so powerfully in the lives I was praying over. But, the enemy would use Justin to steal my joy each time I got home. Again, that was just jealousy and resentment coming out from him because he knew he needed to be seeking The Father too. That's what makes this incredible testimony SO amazing. My husband IS NOT who HE WAS! Hallelujah! He could never do things 'on the fly.' He always had to have a PLAN. There was no spontaneity throughout our marriage. Even if friends wanted to go out for dinner, if he didn't have a PLAN for it 24 hours notice or more.. it didn't happen. And, even WITH a notice, he would change his mind the day of undoubtedly. It was very difficult and embarassing when I'd be longer than HE "expected," all hell would break loose over text messages. Even during these conferences because the enemy did NOT want me involved with growing.. because even the ENEMY knew if Justin woke up to the TRUTH of who GOD said HE was.. the enemy would LOSE us as a family.

Justin & I at Liberty Church 2019

So, that's exactly what GOD has done. He awakened my sleeping husband to His APPOINTED time to fulfill God's will on HIS life. Now you can see my husband preaching the gospel on the street, and that's totally out of HIS nature. He has now started transforming into the very likeness and image of an ALMIGHTY God who WAS and IS, and IS TO COME! Nothing is impossible.. and I MEAN NOTHING with GOD ALL things ARE POSSIBLE!

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